Desktop program, with the function of management and control of sales actions and field operations. Certified for fiscalistion.
Possibility of integration and synchronization with financial systems such as Financa5 and with mobile applications such as Distribution, StoreApp, etc.
Monitoring of operations performed by agents, creation of sales and visitation plan. Generating different reports by activity.
Access to invoices, items, prices and customers. Control and rights in each warehouse for the condition of items, making transfers, etc.
Work Process Automation
Agent management solutions and
real-time reporting of sales activity.
Mobile Systems or otherwise MS is a program that provides monitoring of the work process for each agent as well as complete administration over the sales cycle.
Contains modules for adding and managing sales invoices, purchase orders, offers, warehouses, transfers, customer registration, etc. Each user of the program has rights and access to items, quantities, prices and customers.
Management of field agents
Invoice/order/offer/payment generation
Reports on agent activity
Customer registration
Actions in each warehouse